Hotline Medieval

In a quiet medieval village a travaller, who was trying to bring home his bread and butter, gets robbed by a group of bandits. Screaming for help, the traveller ran after the bandits only to realize that none of the villagers moved a muscle for him. In raging angry the traveller gave up on following the bandits and left the village lifting a curse upon them. After that day's sundown the whole village turned to a abandoned castle where all the villagers where aprisioned and kept by evil forces.

Here comes Weralt, a Wizard hired by families of the apprisioned villagers from other cities to save them from the curse. Will he be able to fight against the evil forces to rescute them?


WASD - move main character

Mouse - launch spell

Esc - pause

Art by:

Environment (Tile-Set):




This is an university (Insper) subejct (Digital Games) project developed in three weeks. 

Made by:

A game by João Guilherme Almeida (SirJohnWilliam) and Matheus Freitas (MatFreitas). We hope you like it!


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Needs some work but I can see the start of something good. Good luck with your project guys!